Establishing Your Brand

Establishing Your Brand

June 24, 2022

Establishing your brand is essential if you wish to gain recognition and establish a consistent identity that your audience will know. Companies succeed based on appropriate budgeting, stellar customer service, and a valuable product or service. These elements develop ...

Why is Brand Strategy Important?

June 19, 2020

In the realm of digital marketing, there are many closely-related components that work together to produce the desired results of connecting with new audiences. Tools for reaching audiences, including marketing practices and brand strategy, are used for long-term positioning ...

The Importance of Audience Targeting

February 28, 2020

Digital marketing can be expensive for any industry niche. To maximize the return on investment of marketing efforts, marketers must clearly define and understand audiences. Without this understanding, time and money are wasted, ultimately diluting even the most creative ...

Keeping Your Brand Alive in Your Digital Strategy

October 19, 2018

In the arena of online marketing for insurance agents, there is a strong relationship between marketing strategies and brand positioning. Unfortunately, digital marketers often overlook this critical relationship, focusing on performance metrics like conversion rate and lead generation rather ...