If Your Site Isn’t Optimized for Mobile, Your Ranking Will Suffer

If Your Site Isn’t Optimized for Mobile, Your Ranking Will Suffer

July 20, 2018

How many of you are reading this blog on your phone or tablet? Chances are, it’s a significant number of you. As of late 2017, 80 percent of internet users own a smartphone, and consumers on average spend 69 ...

Designing a Mobile-Friendly Insurance Web Site

August 7, 2017

Insurance Marketing in 2017 > Mobile-Friendly Site Design On April 21, 2015, we experienced what webmasters and web developers have dubbed “Mobilegeddon.” The world may not have ended, but previous ranking criteria did leave and was replaced by a ...

A Year in Review – 2016 Social Media Trends

November 30, 2016

If your business has a Facebook page, Twitter account, or LinkedIn profile, you’re ahead of the curve. Creating a Social Media Marketing presence is the first step in harnessing the immense power of these platforms and distinguishing yourself from ...

Your Insurance Website Isn’t Ready for 2015’s Trends

December 17, 2014

I’ll cut to the chase: Your audience is changing, regulations are shifting in weird ways, and markets are softening. The old ways aren’t doing as well as they used to, or at the very least, aren’t growing in a sustainable ...